House System
TO create an atmosphere of healthy competition and team spirit, most of the school activities are governed by house system are divided into different House named as Dayananda, Vivekananda, Rama Krishna, Raja Ram Mohan Ray House. Each house is under charge of House Master and has its own House Captain. Inter–House competitions are held regularly.
Thus the purpose of the house system is to :
- Improve self –expression.
- Ensure personality development.
- Encourage self –discipline.
- Instil leadership qualities.
- Encourage greater Social responsibilities.
- Impart training necessary to be an ideal citizen.
- Promote cordial relationship between teacher & students.
Apart from regular P.T. and games classes ,competitions in Yoga, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi and track events are held at several occasions.
The school also provides facilities for games such as Badminton, Cricket, volleyball etc.
Hobby Classes
A food of activities are provided to the students in the following fields depending upon their ability and interest :-
(a) Dance
(b) Music(Vocal and Instrumental)
(c) Public speaking
(e) Art & Painting
An Art & Craft Exhibition and a Science–Exhibition are held.